Hong Kong
The Karen Border Guard Force/Karen National Army criminal business network exposed
The Karen Border Guard Force/Karen National Army is a militia that has long allied with the Myanmar military and is notorious for human rights violations and involvement in organised crime.
Chinese mining company enriching Myanmar junta via British Overseas Territories
A Chinese mining company incorporated in a British tax haven is expanding its business and organising the export of metal ore from Myanmar since the military launched an illegal coup attempt in 2021.
Press Releases
Karen BGF/KNA regional criminal network exposed
The Myanmar junta-allied Karen Border Guard Force (BGF), rebranded as the Karen National Army (KNA), has built a transnational network of businesses that enriches the militia’s ruling family and their associates, and causes widespread suffering.
[原刊登於2021年6月23號]蘋果踢爆|緬甸政變|4個月鎮壓逾800人死 港企續與軍方合作 每年提供億計收入
在香港《蘋果日報》被迫關閉前的幾週內,我們與他們的調查小組聯絡,利用DDoSecrets發布的文件,就香港企業與緬甸軍方的商業往來進行專題報導。 《蘋果日報》於 2021 年 6 月 23 日在他們網站關閉前數小時發表了這篇報導。 一年過去了,我們以原始語言完整地重新發布他們的文章。 我們聲援《蘋果日報》的高層和記者,以及所有其他香港政治犯。#FreeHKJournalists